Saturday, December 19, 2015

My Kind Of Weather

As I look outside the window, the pavements are all wet due to hours of continuous rain. The crystal-like droplets of rain falling into the leaves of the plants outside seems to be so cold. The cold breeze touches my skin signifying the year about to end. I can hear nothing except the pitter-patter sound of the rain in my roof. I still have tons of things to do in my list because the PreLims due this week but here I am enjoying the storm outside with a mug of steaming hot chocolate. As the hot liquid touches my lips, it brings warm feeling in my soul and the sweet taste that lingers in tongue seems to comfort the raging storm not just outside but within me.

Every rainy day is a lazy day for me. I tend to sleep longer and develop clinomania, an excessive desire to stay in bed. I don't like the idea going out and getting myself wet. Rainy days tend to develop the homebody side of me. I enjoy staying at home, with my pajamas, sweater and socks, curled up in bed reading good books with a cup of a warm drink or indulging myself to heartwarming soups.

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